Spirulina Supplements

Spirulina Supplements

Has a micro algae, Spirulina has been endorsed as a super food that can be ingested in several different forms and measurements. When starting out with this supplement, it is recommended to keep the initial dosages low and to continue building the dosage overtime to let the detoxification and the purification take place in the body. From Lake Chad in Africa to Lake Texcoco in Mexico, this supplement has saved thousands of lives by providing bodies with nutrients that they require. The overall dosages of Spirulina vary greatly upon the individual as well as the level of activity that they take part in. With a high amount of iron, this is a great supplement for athletes and individuals who live active lifestyles to take. For different lifestyles, there is a recommended dosage in order to ensure small side effects and maximum functionality.

For individuals who are looking to reduce cholesterol with this blue-green algae, 1-8 grams of powder can be blended with a fruit smoothie that will be tasty and effective. For those who are looking for maximum muscle performance, this is not a muscle enhancer drug; however, 2-7.5 grams of the powder can be added to a pre-workout intake before the daily gym routine or weightlifting.

In addition to the reasons to take this supplement, also keep in mind that the daily dosage depends highly on the weight of each individuals. For an individual with 200 pounds, 14.5 grams is recommended. For an individual who is 150 pounds, do not take a dosage over 10.9 grams or else the side effects may be severe. If side effects are felt by taking the dosage all at once each day, this may be a sign to have smaller dosages throughout the day.